Super Jake

     There are a few rules about Jake:

1. Never pour water over his head. That includes letting him get a drink of water, going swimming, taking a shower, and any other bathing.

2. If Jake ever turns SUPER snap at him and he'll turn back to normal.

3.  Uhhhhhhh....I don't even think there is a number 3.

     There you have it.  An autobiography of Jake....being ummm....SUPER.  There will be many stories of what happens when you don't snap right away when he turns SUPER.  You will get to hear about all of his evil nemnemissessesses and their diobolical plans to rule the world and all that stuff.  I don't know how to conclude this but I'll just say....uhhhhh....ummmm....Rabble Rabble! (which means: I am so way better that Jake V. Carson!)


Episode 1 : Season 1 of Super Jake is coming soon!!!!!!!!!!