Windell's World

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     Hello, my name is Windell Bartson.  In this website, you will learn about me, my girlfriend, and all of my crazy friends!  There is even a talking dog and an alien from Venus!  We are in the seventh grade and in school, times are tough, teachers are strict, and finals are hard.  Also, you may not understand what the heck I am saying at some times.  Don't worry about that, it's just me saying curse words at people which aren't like curses.  I may not even make any sense about what I am saying.  Don't worry about that either.  It is completely normal.  Just remember, anything can happen!!!!  These are the characters in my story:

Windell Bartson (me)     Stephany Williamson     Mark Evans     Jake Carson     Toe Toe     Diasy Carson     Spring  Season     Jack Snack     Jared Mart     Amy Grid 

Matheue Plus     Padme' Codo     Jeff Texas     Quack McBub     Phil Jackson     Fred Wolock     Lily Pad     Lee Oe     Scare Crowe     Kaylin Janice     Kathy Block

Kate Karman     Marcy Parks     Vee-Man Jamp     Bill Farot     Gabba Wildman     Alice Macy     Gloria Grace     Tin Mann     Albert Martin     Sally Rain

Gino Danter     Spongebobilina Squareskirt     Jenny Capell     Mr.Gillz (Language Arts)     Mrs.Spot (Social Studies)     Mrs.Flint (Math)     Mrs.Calak (Religion) 

Mr.Knabb (Science)     Figg Bartson (my brother)


     I guess that is all of the kids in my class.  And, all of the teachers too.  And my younger brother.  You are probably bored with this, but hold it right there, because I have many stories to tell...